Blink and we've missed it

  • Last Post 31 August 2011
Amymeister posted this 31 August 2011

Wow, that's really it. The festival season is over for another year (with the exception of those going to Bestival)!

What can I say, I had a fabulous time once again. Each year with CATs gets bigger and better and my facebook friends list just grows and grows.

Thank you to all the people who helped make my festival season so awesome and thank you to the hundreds of volunteers at Latitude, Big Chill and Leeds for working hard and making the festivals better and safer places for people to be.

A special thanks goes out to Mark, Jo, Tavis, Rob, Gaz, Adam, Mike and all the shift supervisors for building CATs into the successful team that it is.
Steph, you were very much missed by us all this year, hurry back soon.

So on that note, see you all in a field next year.

CAT Control, over and out!

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M13UGS posted this 31 August 2011

[:0] Oh dear, looks like you're walking to your shifts next year [;)]

Amymeister posted this 01 September 2011

And of course who could forget our wonderful mini bus drivers - without whom we'd all (or a lot of us) have rather more achey feet :-p

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