Latitude 2017 - Solo

  • Last Post 10 July 2017
Nicki posted this 15 June 2017

Hi everyone!

It's the first time I will be volunteering, and the first time I will be going solo - I'm getting a lift down with some folks, so they'll be one or two people I'll know by the time I get there but I thought I'd start a thread to say hi to some people before the big event! 

Also if there are any old hands at this - any words of wisdom you want to pass on, things to bring or insider info about volunteering - please feel free!


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Mad_Cyril posted this 15 June 2017

Hi Nicki,

This will be my third time volunteering at Latitude and i'll be meeting up with a pal who i have volunteered with numerous times - hopefully there will be some other familiar faces too!

I don't know if you have been to Latitude but it really is such an amazing festival - hence why i keep coming back. Volunteering is pretty cool to be honest but the shifts can feel a bit long (try to do your nightshift done asap!).

Other than the usual festival stuff the only advice i can think of is not to wear yellow cos the beasties will flock to you and its not nice!




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  • Nicki
Martin_on_rails posted this 15 June 2017

This is number 10 for me, it's as near as ideal a festival for me.  So what I've learnt in this time...


It's in the middle of nowhere, so a city boy like me was a bit unprepared for that the first time.  If coming by public transport then in previous years Festival Republic would organise a bus to pick up all volunteers (crew only so not publicised to festival-goers) on Tues/Weds, and Mon afternoon if doing the final shift.  This goes from Halesworth.  Hotbox should be passing on this year's arrangement soon so keep an eye on the site for news.  If travelling outside this time then pre-booking a taxi is advised as it's a tiny station with no rank.

Again, because of the remoteness, supermarkets are far away.  There's some in Halesworth, Beccles and Southwold.  A shuttle bus operates Friday to Sunday to Southwold (which has a beach for a day trip!).  Alternatively there is 'One Degree East' shop on site, about 50% more expensive than the Aldi but convenient.

The briefing pack and on site briefing should cover all points and queries, and you'll have the previous shift and Hotbox supervisors to pass on any role-specific stuff.  You should also get a staff handbook which I think is brilliant, so useful yet I've only got one when working Latitude/Leeds - other festivals should take note! All the staff in all the organisations are very helpful - we're all in it together!  Shift-wise, the Arena/Pixies work to arena opening/closing hours so may be an option if the night shift is too much.

If you've never been to Latitude before then it's reasonably compact, the crew camp (at the top of the map last year, and it's not on the public map) is about 25 minute's walk from the furthest stage, the Obelisk.  Lots of hidden gems so you can do your own pace.  There's a Latitude fan's forum at with other festivallers hints and suggestions.

I'd second the comment about the bugs there, as it's by the lake/coast there's loads of 'em and they love bright tents :-( Repellent's a must!

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  • Nicki
Martin_on_rails posted this 15 June 2017

And away from the on-shift stuff, I'm more about the music with the non-music stuff as a bit of a change when there's no must-see bands on.  You can check out the bands playing on Spotify - . 

My ones to see are:

Glass Animals - saw them a couple of years ago in the tiny Alcove stage - knew they would be going places

John Cale - love the Velvet Underground

Sylvan Esso - quirky electronica

All We Are - again, smashed it on a tiny stage a couple of years ago

It's always a pain figuring out what times to go on shift cos you might miss something... although the main stage is audible from the campsites if on shift.

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  • Nicki
picklelilley posted this 25 June 2017

Hello and welcome,

I'm a bit late getting on the forum this year but all I really wanted to say was don't worry about coming alone, everyone is really friendly - I've met some great people over the years

Lgeejay posted this 03 July 2017

Hello I'm 50 and going on my own to Latitude. It would be good to meet up with you guys.

anatua posted this 05 July 2017

Hello, this will be my first time volunteering and coming on my own. I'm thinking there are lots of people on their own so should be ok. Excited!!! 

Are any of you in Alpha 1 shift?


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  • Hannah Kirby
picklelilley posted this 08 July 2017


I'm not arriving until weds so if you get there Tuesday you'll probably have met loads of people by then if not - feel free to contact me  

Do you know what group you're in yet? I'm in bravo 1 - my 6th choice!

Hannah Kirby posted this 09 July 2017

I'm going solo as well - I'm in the Alpha 1 shift x

nenevall posted this 10 July 2017

hi, yes im coming along by myself and i am also on Alpha 1 team.



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