lift to latitude from around london needed

  • Last Post 11 July 2019
j-dog posted this 10 June 2019

I am planning to work latitude festival and was wondering if anyone around london or greater london was driving and able to offer a lift, i would be happy to chip in for fuel as it would help me save money on a train ticket 


Thank you 

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Gemsyj posted this 11 July 2019

Hey are you leaving latitude Sunday night at all if there’s a space left to London? Xx

ivjas posted this 26 June 2019

I’m also based in NW London... anyone have spare room for another person if they’re passing through/coming from London? I would appreciate it and of course chip in on fuel costs too!!

elior posted this 23 June 2019

Yeah that should be fine. My number is 07446046474, WhatsApp me and we can sort out details.

bablinoise posted this 23 June 2019

Watford Junction seem to be easier. I've just have a look and just want to be sure : I 'll should take West Midlands Railway  and It's about 20 min from London Euston. Is that all right ?

elior posted this 23 June 2019

Bushey Overground or Watford Junction rail would work, let me know which is easier for you. If anyone else needs a lift let me know.

bablinoise posted this 23 June 2019


I'll arrive on Tuesday 16th in st Pancras International at 1.30 PM. Where should I go to meet you ?


elior posted this 23 June 2019

Hi guys, I’m most likely driving to the festival on the Tuesday from NW London. I’d be happy to take a few people in exchange for some petrol money. Whereabouts are you going from?

bablinoise posted this 23 June 2019


I am interesting to go to Latitude festival from London as well.  I think hiring a car is a good idea or is it possible for me too to get a lift and we share fees ?


j-dog posted this 21 June 2019

Ok cool

is it possible for me to get a lift? 

do you mind keeping me updated?


janie84 posted this 20 June 2019

Yeah i was thinking about hiring a car.

I've also just been offered a lift so waiting to see where he is exactly!

j-dog posted this 19 June 2019

Ok that sounds promising 

Im in NW london but i can travel around london to wherever is easiest for you 

would you be hiring one?

how much would it cost?

obviously i dont mind splitting the cost

janie84 posted this 19 June 2019

I drive (not very well or confidently!) but i have a licence and that's what counts!

So i am thinking of hiring a car...

Where in London are you?

j-dog posted this 14 June 2019

Something i would be interested in but unfortuantely i dont drive...


Perhaps someone else might?

janie84 posted this 14 June 2019

Hi! I'm also looking for a lift from around the London area...maybe if there's a few a car hire option might not be a bad shout!

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