Transport from London to Suffolk (Latitude)?

  • Last Post 11 July 2019
kavisha posted this 05 June 2019

Hi everyone, 


First-time volunteer here for Latitude 2019- can someone provide more details about the shuttles mentioned? Or is anyone doing a car-share from London (I'm from NW but can travel around London easily) to Suffolk?



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janie84 posted this 19 June 2019

I'm interested in this also as a first timer!

I'm thinking about hiring a car!


Where are you based in London?


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  • kavisha
bablinoise posted this 23 June 2019

Hi, I am a first timer too in volonteering in Latitude festival. I am looking for a car-share from London to Suffolk as well. Are you still interested ? What about trains ? Thanks

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  • kavisha
elior posted this 23 June 2019

Hi guys, I’m driving from just outside NW London (Bushey/Watford area) to Latitude on the Tuesday, happy to give a lift to a couple of people.

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  • kavisha
kavisha posted this 23 June 2019

Hey I'm from Pinner but ended up buying train tickets from Liverpool Street to Halesworth last week as I'm heading in on the Wednesday (I think there are only 2 shifts that need to be there for the Tuesday briefing?)

janie84 posted this 25 June 2019

Hey Kavisha...

Do you know from having volunteered before about sift patterns etc? Or have you received some info?


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  • kavisha
kavisha posted this 26 June 2019


I heard this when I called the office as I needed to book train tickets- obviously it is safer to get there on the Tuesday anyway but there are few shifts that need to be there- most just need to attend the Wednesday training

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  • janie84
sophiefulford posted this 26 June 2019

Hiya, another first timer for latitude, can I grab a lift share with you? (Obviously I would chip in for fuel money)

Rachel K posted this 11 July 2019

First timer as well from near London trying to find the best way to travel. Its a shame that the coach only seems to be available for attendees and not volunteers

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