Wanna join an 18-40's CAMP BESTIVAL camp crew? Also; rideshare from South Wales available.

  • Last Post 23 July 2019
craigthemason@hotmail.co.uk posted this 25 June 2019

Camp Bestival, Not 'Bestival' I'm Craig, 32, a ginger-bearded mature-child.

Worked Leeds last year, with a 'forum-created' group of about 25 differing characters, camped together, made shapes to the same noise, made a few friends for life. Working Leeds again this year.

Looking to make a pre arranged camp crew with some reasonably level headed, laid back 18-40's wanderers who are party-campers! BESTIVAL!

I'm driving down from Bridgend South Wales in a Mini Cooper, so I can spare 1 space if anyone is coming from around here.

If we get a few here we can start a WhatsApp, and add more as they see it!

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megan.jade posted this 30 June 2019

Hi, i'm coming to bestival solo so would love some people to camp with! 

craigthemason@hotmail.co.uk posted this 30 June 2019

Hey Megan, this is where it begins

Just to double check; you're in for Camp Bestival for Hotbox, not "Bestival" right?

megan.jade posted this 30 June 2019

Yeh camp bestival

craigthemason@hotmail.co.uk posted this 01 July 2019

Nice. Once we have a few on here we'll start a WhatsApp. Are you doing Leeds fest too? There is a massive chat for that on the burst

megan.jade posted this 02 July 2019

okay sounds good, unfortunately not as im away that weekend 

nenevall posted this 04 July 2019

I'm doing camp bestival with hotbox too

Ozzywazzy94 posted this 05 July 2019

im going Camp Bestival solo aswell, would be good

craigthemason@hotmail.co.uk posted this 06 July 2019

Hey all, send me a WhatsApp or a text, and I'll add you to a Camp Bestival WhatsApp Group, and also a larger Hotbox Volunteers WhatsApp group. 07961305542

craigthemason@hotmail.co.uk posted this 08 July 2019

Hey all, here's the Camp Bestival chat, come get involved. We are 7 people so far


Josh1001 posted this 11 July 2019

Hi there, I'm working Camp Bestival with Hotbox, first time solo so would be nice to have some people to camp with if you have room for one more

craigthemason@hotmail.co.uk posted this 11 July 2019

Hey mate, click that WhatsApp link above for the camp Bestival chat come say hello etc, it's not a busy chat as yet. 11ish people.

bethbarneswood@gmail.com posted this 12 July 2019

Hey I am coming to camp Bestival alone and this will be my first festival so would love to meet some people that I can hang out with and camp with!

ingas@hotmail.com posted this 16 July 2019

Hi Criag, same here, attending solo through Hotbox events and would love to join the group if there's still room


mariellacardenas posted this 23 July 2019

Hi there, my phone isn't working atm so I can't join the Whatsapp group but I was wondering if anyone was driving down from London to Bestival on the 25th and would be able to offer me a ride. Thanks  

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