Latitude 2017 - Lifts

  • Last Post 08 July 2017
Nicki posted this 07 February 2017


Volunteering for Latitude 2017  and have no car to get there I assume that other people will be in the same situation?

To start the ball rolling - anyone going from Birmignham or London and would be up for giving a lovely person (me!) a lift, let me know! 

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Maya posted this 10 June 2017


Anyone driving down from Sheffield area with an extra space for 1 person + tent?

I'm volunteering so need to be there earlyish I think... Long shot but worth a try!

Doesn't seem to be any direct trains from Sheffield



Anne posted this 12 June 2017


If anyone is able to offer a lift from Bedford (or nearby town) to Latitude I'll supply petrol money and toffees 😋

Ideally I'd like to get there early Tuesday afternoon.

Fingers crossed! 😬


taty.emly posted this 13 June 2017

Well I will be coming from Birmingham Nicki.. don't hv a car though..but can be a two ride people in train/

Nicki posted this 13 June 2017

I might have a solution - I'll DM you

Nicki posted this 13 June 2017

Anne - There's someone who messaged me that they are going from Peterborough if you can get there?

Anne posted this 13 June 2017

Thanks Nikki - yes, I may be able to get to Peterborough 

Will await your DM


katiegex posted this 15 June 2017

Hi Nicki and Anne,

Sorry to jump on the bandwagon but I'm also looking for a lift to Latitude at the same kind of time - I can get to Peterborough and will happily contribute in the form of petrol money and car snacks!

Please could you help?

Katie xx

Nicki posted this 15 June 2017

Haha! I'll DM you

Mad_Cyril posted this 15 June 2017

 Alright folks?

This will be my third visit to Latitude but this time I will be driving down from Scotland on the Tuesday.

I'll probably only have space for one (maybe two people depending on bags, tent etc) and can pick up from anywhere depending upon whether i take the M6 or A1 route.

Give me a shout if that's helpful to anyone


nenevall posted this 15 June 2017

anne and katiegex pm'd the both of you re latitude lifts.

sarahkirving posted this 15 June 2017

Hi! Im hoping to travel from Manchester to Latitude as I am volunteering, just wondering if anyone has one space in their car! Will help with fuel obviously and will provide plenty of snack! Thanks  

Nicki posted this 15 June 2017

 Hi sarahkirving - try Mad_Cyril (Andy) he might be able to help!

Anne posted this 15 June 2017

Hello again everyone

If anyone is going on the Tuesday in time for the 7pm briefing and travelling from (or near to) Bedford, I'm still looking for a lift. Unfortunately nenevall's offer won't work for me (thanks anyway though).

Petrol money, toffees and sparkling conversation in return. I'm thinking I might be too far off route for Mad Cyril (Andy)?

Mad_Cyril posted this 15 June 2017

Well actually Anne, perhaps not!

I'll send you a DM and explain....


Anne posted this 15 June 2017

Thanks Andy, I've replied :-)

snoopy posted this 16 June 2017

Anyone driving from west/South Wales and has a space in their car? Thanks!

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FenSophia posted this 17 June 2017




Was wondeirng if anyone has space in there car for one more, I live in Britol but anywhere near there would be awesome. I'll supply petrol money and moams. 


Life48 posted this 17 June 2017


2 of us are traveling from Worthing, anyone else making the trip, neither of us can drive so a lift with petrol paid for would be sweet.


First time volunteers so I don't know when or where we're supposed to be by when? If anyone could help with that it would be so rad 🏄🤙


Pretty much anywhere South of London, we'll get there.


If there are sadly no solutions, does anyone know the best way to get there? Train or bus. Have railcard if that helps. 

A.Smiffy posted this 17 June 2017

Hey I saw your post about maybe having another seat free?

Just wondering if it's still on the cards? I'm desperate for a lift... arrghhh


A.Smiffy posted this 17 June 2017

Does anyone have any spare room for me and my small tent?

I'll be travelling from N. Wales (so would be happy to meet at a specific place).

I could get the train but it means a very long journey, so was hoping to get a lift!

Thank you so much!


Liz A posted this 18 June 2017


I am volunteering at Latitude and would really appreciate a lift! I live in North London and am happy to contribute to petrol money. Please let me know if you have space for me.



Monsterseatcake posted this 20 June 2017

Hey everyone. 

Im driving from Cambridge to Latitude and have one space in my car.   I can pick up from Cambridge North station. 

ill be driving  (a14) through Newmarket, Bury and Stowmarket if anyone wants a lift from there!

Im Jo Longland on facebook. Ping me a message on there as i probably wont check this much!





mais posted this 20 June 2017

Hi everyone,

I'm volunteering at Latitude and was wondering if there were any lifts available from Birmingham area or anywhere near there really. I will supply snacks and money for petrol. Please let me know if you have space!



KatieJ1612 posted this 21 June 2017

Hello, would you possibly be able to pick me up from Newcastle? 

Maya posted this 21 June 2017

I've managed to book a train to Halesworth from Sheffield, apparently shuttle buses are going from there to the festival pretty much all day tues/wed.

Was concerned about journey length and price but managed to half the train fee using the train split website! (Sorry I sound like an advert put I'm pretty pleased with it, recommend to anyone thinking of getting a train )

Just saved my volunteering shift preferences....fingers crossed!

See you all at Latitude

cwyz posted this 29 June 2017

Hi everyone, I'm Cecilia. Solo Latitude

Is anyone travelling from Greater London to Latitude on Wednesday? I'm happy to chip in £15 for petrol.

Cheers and happy festivalling!

Claire2407 posted this 08 July 2017

@fensophia are you still looking for a lift? I am driving from Swindon on Wednesday, returning Monday

picklelilley posted this 08 July 2017

London based people: I'm going on Wednesday from north London and have space for 2 if not loo much stuff but I'm going after lunch.

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