Solo Reading 2016?

  • Last Post 24 August 2016
bananaguise posted this 09 August 2016

Anyone else volunteering on their own for Reading 2016?

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potatorosst posted this 09 August 2016

I'm volunteering on my own! Just waiting to find out the shift patterns...

jadey posted this 10 August 2016

I am too!  

holly95 posted this 10 August 2016

I am too! Waiting to find out the shift patterns...Where are you guys coming from? 

jadey posted this 11 August 2016

Travelling down from Northampton, what about you?

klaradol posted this 11 August 2016

I´m a newbie AND on my own too! Travelling from central Europe, just to see the festival

bananaguise posted this 12 August 2016

I am travelling from Hereford. Just got my shift group assigned - anyone else in Bravo?

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  • Shanham
jadey posted this 12 August 2016

I am in Bravo aswell  

bananaguise posted this 12 August 2016

Yay, go team!

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  • holly95
jadey posted this 12 August 2016

Can't wait for the chilis saturday night

holly95 posted this 12 August 2016

I'm in Bravo as well I'm travelling from Bath and have one spair seat in my car if anyone would like a lift there?

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  • Shanham
bananaguise posted this 12 August 2016

Aww, I just booked my train! What time are you planning to arrive?

holly95 posted this 13 August 2016

I'm plannig to leave Wednesday morning to get there by 2pm at the latest. We've got briefing at 7pm I think. Have you bought a direct train?

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  • bananaguise
willrenard posted this 13 August 2016

Doing it solo as well! I am coming from France for it. Looking forward to meeting all of you!

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  • bananaguise
hicksy91 posted this 14 August 2016

First time at reading and also solo! I'm a little nervous now! 

Elspethmay posted this 14 August 2016

I'm going on my own too, I'm in group Charlie 1 and are travelling down on the Tuesday from Norfolk

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  • bananaguise
jadey posted this 15 August 2016

I'm planning on leaving tuesday at some point get my tent set up and relax a bit. Not long now and getting excited!

Longie posted this 15 August 2016

Solo here too. Turns out there's loads of us!

Local boy here, 12th Reading, first time volunteering.

johannna posted this 18 August 2016

Good to hear I won't be the only one on my own! I'll be in Bravo 1. First time volunteering and first time in Reading. I'll be travelling from Hampshire

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  • bananaguise
MadCyril posted this 18 August 2016

Hi folks,

Nice to see loads on newbies on here!

It's my first time at Reading too but not volunteering with Hotbox (i've done a couple years at Latitude) and travelling down from Aberdeen on the train on Tuesday. I must say i'm getting pretty excited the closer we get

Anyone on Delta1?

DanDJ posted this 18 August 2016

Anyone else volunteering on their own for Reading 2016?


I'm on my own at the moment in Bravo 1

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jadey posted this 19 August 2016

There are a couple of us in Bravo 1  

DanDJ posted this 19 August 2016

Same as, on me tod, in Bravo 1 !

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jadey posted this 19 August 2016

Where are you travelling from? 😊

Shanham posted this 20 August 2016

Went solo last year, same again this year, but will see some of the people i met last time. Last year we created a facebook chat for all the solo people so we knew each other before going to the festival and tried to organise camping together, if you want to be added to the chat add me on fb I'm in bravo 1 this year so look forward to meeting a lot of you on shift

poseurextraordinaire posted this 20 August 2016

This is my third Reading but first time ever volunteering I'll be coming on my own as well, and have just discovered I'm Delta1, anyone else? So excited!

CherylB posted this 20 August 2016

First time at Reading and going solo as a friend's had to cancel, anyone in Charlie 2?

jadey posted this 20 August 2016

Exciting times for us all feel free to add me if anyone wants to meet up  

Elspethmay posted this 22 August 2016

Anyone getting to Reading tomorrow (Tuesday)? I'm going solo and don't want to spend the whole day/evening on my own 😢

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MadCyril posted this 22 August 2016

Hi Elspeth,

ill be there about 6pm tomorrow and although this is my first time I will be with a friend who is meeting a group there (not her first time).

If you want to give me a shout you can get me on FB -


MadCyril posted this 22 August 2016

Hey! Delta1 here too...

i was as beginning to think i was never gonna see another person on here doing the same shift!

when are you heading to the campsite? I'll be there tomorrow



marss posted this 23 August 2016

Going solo and I'm in Delta 1

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liam_lewis posted this 23 August 2016

Anyone getting to Reading tomorrow (Tuesday)? I'm going solo and don't want to spend the whole day/evening on my own 😢

I'm all alone and arrived yesterday. I'm shift pattern Foxtrot 2. In the big green tent on the right hand side of the field. Would be good if we could get a loners camp going

MadCyril posted this 23 August 2016

Hi marss, Delta 1 here too 🙂 When you arriving on campsite? I'll be there about 6pm

Andy (FB - andy.watt.56)

willrenard posted this 23 August 2016

Hi guys, I'm in Delta 1 too. Looks like there's a lot of solo people in Delta. Cool!

Got to the campsite this afternoon as well so if anyone fancies doing something this evening/tomorrow, feel free to add me or text me 07746794465

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MadCyril posted this 23 August 2016

Hey will,

If you want to come over and join our little group just let me know and I can meet you down at the Hotbox Office 🙂


willrenard posted this 23 August 2016

Yeah that'd be cool! I'll go there right now!

MadCyril posted this 23 August 2016

I'll be there at 9.20!

holly95 posted this 24 August 2016

Hi everyone,

I've arrived with a friend and pitched up. Lookingreat forward to meeting you at the briefing later 😊

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