A massive thank you to our awesome 2018 Reading and Leeds Festival staff and volunteers! Please send us your feedback!

A massive thank you to our awesome 2018 Reading and Leeds Festival staff and volunteers! Please send us your feedback!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

A massive thank you to our awesome 2018 Reading and Leeds Festival staff and volunteer team!

2018 was Hotbox Events' 16th year working with Leeds Festival and 13th working with Reading Festival and the overwhelming consensus of our staff and volunteer teams is that it was the best yet!

The feedback from the Reading and Leeds Festival organisers has been fantastic! At both Reading and Leeds we received complimentary reports and messages of thanks throughout the week for everything our staff and volunteers were helping with, your positive, proactive, and enthusiastic attitude, and ability to handle any situation that came your way, was complimented by everyone you worked with and helped.

We'd like to say a special thank you to everyone who stepped up to assist the Red Cross Safe Mates teams at Reading Festival, the Red Cross teams were far busier than they expected to be so the support and assistance you provided was invaluable in helping to ease the pressure.

We'd also like to thank everyone who worked throughout the heavy rain on the Friday and Sunday of Reading Festival, you all coped admirably pushing through the difficult conditions.

We'd like to say another very special thank you, this time to everyone at Leeds who, like Reading, stepped in to help with the very busy Safe Hubs in the Campsites, your assistance to the Festival Angel teams was again invaluable in easing the pressure and helping to support the Leeds festival goers.

The weather was unfortunately against us at Leeds at times too, so another big thank you for the enthusiasm and commitment of everyone who continued to help throughout the downpours and despite the cold and muddy conditions!

A huge thank you must go out to our amazing minibus drivers at Leeds Festival! For the second year running you were in huge demand, looking after both crew and festival goers at every corner of the Leeds Festival site. We didn't think it possible, but you worked even harder than last year, again never failing to meet and overcome the challenges the festival presented. We received praise and thanks from the festival organisers who were endlessly grateful for your tireless efforts and assistance. So again, a huge thank you to the best team of Leeds Festival minibus drivers ever – we couldn't do it without you!

Finally (before this gets to gushy...), every year, the above and beyond attitude of our staff and volunteers never fails to inspire us and make everyone around you smile! We really do appreciate every single person who decides to take a week or two out of their year to join the Hotbox team, the big and small you do has a huge impact on so many and you should be very proud of all you've achieved!

The feedback we're receiving from you on social and via email about working with Hotbox Events at Reading and Leeds Festival has been lovely to read! If you enjoyed your week with us and have a few minutes to send over a paragraph or two for our staff and volunteer feedback page...

Please email this to info@hotboxevents.com

Please also attach a photo if you can so this can be added to the Hotbox website!

Your feedback is a big help to those thinking of joining us in in future years; giving an idea of what working at a festival with Hotbox Events is like, so please do get in touch if you can!

We're already planning for next year and your suggestions are always taken into consideration; many of which help us to improve both our service to the festival goers and the experience for our staff and volunteers. So, if you do have any comments - good or bad - please don't hesitate to get in touch. We realise nothing is perfect so please don't be afraid of having a moan if there is something you'd like us to take into consideration for Reading and Leeds 2019!

If you're missing Reading and Leeds as much as we are please keep an eye on our website and social as our amazing volunteer photographers, Liz and Amy, took hundreds of brilliant photos of you all which we'll be uploading soon!

We can't wait to welcome you back to a festival soon!

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